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Eulogy of a statesman

Here lies the man who worked for building peace for an entire century. That would be a befitting epitaph for Somaliland’s eldest politician, and longest-reigning chief, Haji Abdikarim Hussein, better known as Haji Abdi Waraabe.
Born in 1898, he dedicated his centenarian life for building peace and establishing harmony between Somali people. That showed well in the tributes paid to him by people from the four corners of the Somali world.
Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo considered him a Somali elder who dedicated his life to peacebuilding and the reconciliation of Somali clans. His prime minister, Hassan Ali Khaire considered him a symbol for peace.
However, his loss will be felt most acutely in Somaliland where he made gaining harmony his life mission. Somaliland president Muse Bihi Abdi paid his respecting saying that the late elder was one of the pillars of Somaliland’s stability. The opposition leaders Abdirahman Irro and Faisal Ali Warabe also paid their respects, too.
Somalilanders across society sections considered him an asset - a factor in their state-building success, and a symbol for their commitment to peace. That regard did not come cheap. It took the better part of a life that spanned for 122 years.
He was first recognized by his clan for breaking the cycle of a blood feud with a neighboring clan in his early twenties. Abdikarin, then a young man was sent to avenge his father who was killed when he was an infant. Abdikarim a company of his cousins and arrived at the house of their target. The man was very gracious. He hosted the company and went out of his way to comfort them. In the next Morning, Abdikarim could not go on with his plan and called off the murder scheme. His conscious did not oblige.
He told the target about their intention and declared that he forgave his father’s blood. To cement peace and end the vendetta for good, Abdikarim then asked the man to marry him his daughter.
From that day, Abdikarim was recognized for his wisdom and passion for peace and harmony. He was crowned the chief of the clan at the relatively young age of 42 in 1940. A post he held on for eighty years until his death.
With independence in 1960, he became an influential member of society and a power broker always seeking harmony. He worked with all successive administrations including the military regime of Mohamed Siad Barre.
However, His most valuable contribution perhaps came after 1991 when Somaliland declared independence and secession from the Somali republic. He was instrumental in the resolution of a series of conflicts that erupted in the nascent nation.
From Sheikh Conference in 1992 to end Berbera civil strive, to Borama Congress a year later and Hargeisa Assembly Grand Conference in 1997. He was there every time. Preaching peace and seeking coexistence and harmonious relations.
With the turn of the millennia, Somaliland saw fewer conflicts, especially all-out wars. But Abdi Warabe still found a niche. From his position at the house of elders, he became re-conciliator number one in the nation - working to break deadlocks in political and communal disputes. Today he was laid to rest in his ancestral home, leaving behind a very grateful nation.

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